Name: Phoebe
Age: 26 years old
Myopia/Astigmatism Prescription: About 600 degrees of myopia
Reason for choosing the Ortho-K glasses plan: Wearing glasses is both inconvenient and unattractive, and wearing daily contact lenses for a long time makes my eyes very dry. I considered getting laser vision correction, but ophthalmologists did not recommend it due to the surgical risks involved with laser procedures.
Experience after wearing: Extremely convenient! Both wearing and caring for the Ortho-K glasses are simple and quick. After putting them on, I can just go to sleep, and all I need is enough sleep time to have clear vision for the entire day.
Jeff, Optometrist at Berlin Optical: In recent years, many people have opted for laser vision correction, hoping to permanently resolve their myopia. Although current laser surgery technology is very safe and advanced, it cannot guarantee zero errors. Even after laser vision correction surgery, there may be a regression of vision, necessitating the continued use of glasses! With Ortho-K glasses, there is no need to worry about unsatisfactory results or irreversible effects. If needed, one can simply stop using Ortho-K glasses, and the cornea will revert to its original state.
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